onsdag 18. september 2013

Autumn day

On a production, it often feels like time is standing still, but then you suddenly understand that it really has passed. Close to where I live there is a small beach that I have not been good enough at using, although the weather has been fantastic. I could always do it the next day. Then suddenly you understand that although the sun is as shining as ever, the temperature and the air is totally different. Almost unnoticeable, the autumn has replaced summer.

And so, today, I did something else that I have not been good enough at doing while being here: going for a walk in the hills above Kristiansand. It is a fantastic area, suddenly the sounds from town disappear, and you are surrounded by forest and small lakes and ponds. And although green is still the main colour, you notice that things look a bit different, the light is a bit different, the colours are slightly different.

 But oh so beautiful.


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